Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson lives in East Dayton, in Walnut Hills. He enjoys working with his hands to repurpose or bring beauty to the things around him. As someone who likes to stay up-to-date on technology and news, he also likes to incorporate sustainability in what he does and believes that we should take care of the earth and each other.

Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you lived in the Dayton area? What are some of your favorite parts about the city? 

Yeah! So I grew up in Huber Heights so I've been in the Dayton Area all my life, however I've been in Dayton proper for about 6 or 7 years now. I really enjoy riding my bike around, especially the Riverscape area but also up to the tippy top of Woodland Cemetery. 

What is your favorite food or dish?

I don't think I can properly nail down a single favorite dish. Pizza is an easy go to as there are SO many variations you can have (yes pineapple DOES belong on pizza), however lately I've started to explore more Indian dishes at Gulzars. 

What are some of your favorite interests?

I've always been up to date with tech news and such but really I enjoy reading up on new sustainable technologies; green living roofs, landscaping techniques, solar panels and such. I also like learning about finance techniques to increase my frugalness haha.

What was the specific moment that caused you to be environmentally conscious? 

I don't recall a specific MOMENT necessarily however there were a few that kinda made me become more environmentally conscious over the years. I remember driving in highschool and at a stoplight, the car in front of me finished eating their fast food and just tossed the trash out of the window. Some years later I was traveling in Colombia and there was just so much trash in the riverways. This also was seen when doing canoeing trips with my buddy Shannon. 

What do you tend to focus on when trying to be waste-free? 

I try to drive as little as possible - planning my errand routes and also riding my bike whenever possible. I really try to not drive when it's hot out as well. I definitely compost as much as I can. I haven't bought clothes in a number of years and I try to take care of what I have to make it last longer. 

What do you enjoy about being environmentally friendly? What do you dislike?

I enjoy that I feel closer to the earth and more ... 'natural'? for lack of better term? I dislike that it's so easy to pollute due to convenience - Almost everything has a plastic component to it. 

Any other advice to people starting out or thinking about going on this journey?

It's mostly consumerism and packaging right? Start with food stuffs. Just noticing how things are packaged can make a difference. For example, there are plastic wrapped orange slices on styrofoam. Just buy an orange! It has it's own protective cover! Then just remember the old adage: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It's in the order for a reason. Reduce your consumption of material goods. Reuse what you can instead of buying new. Recycle what you can. 

Would you like to share about other areas you strive to be environmentally conscious?

I'm trying to be more aware of my water usage when it comes to showers and doing dishes. I take pretty quick showers as it is but now I'm trying to figure out an efficient way to wash my dishes with less water (I don't have a dishwashing machine). 

If you could pick 1 thing to help the city of Dayton be more environmentally friendly/more sustainable, what would that be?

I think just being aware will help kickstart action. Noticing litter, or how often you take out the trash, or how much packaging is on something you just bought. Then noticing how nice plants and trees and greenery look. In my mind that would help one want to preserve that beauty. 


Make a Difference Day 2023


Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Kathleen Tandy