Every Donation Counts

Make a Donation to Waste-Free Dayton

Waste-Free Dayton, Inc. is a non-profit incorporated in the state of Ohio. We were granted 501(c)(3) nonprofit status by the Internal Revenue Service in 2021, so contributions are tax deductible (consult a tax advisor if you are not sure whether you can deduct charitable donations.)

Check donations can be mailed to:

Waste-Free Dayton
1149 Phillips Ave.
Dayton, OH 45410

Venmo: @Waste_Free_Dyt

PayPal - General Donation

PayPal - Composting Initiative

Buy Me a Coffee / Become a Supporting Member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/wastefreedayton

Online Donations Through Square:

Visit our online store to shop for Waste-Free Dayton Shirts and Magnets