Plastic Free July Day 31 Action Step: Advocate for Change

On the final day of Plastic Free July, we encourage you to practice advocacy by telling others about the problem with plastic, and telling your elected officials. Whether a planned conversation, or just a spur of the moment exchange, telling others why you’re passionate about an issue is an important step in bringing more people to a movement. As the movement grows, so does the pressure for our elected officials to pass laws that will protect us and the environment. We also need to put pressure on companies to be more environmentally responsible. Here are several petitions that can sign to tell those elected officials to take steps towards a healthier and more sustainable future.

Tell EPA Plastic is not a Renewable Fuel

Tell EPA Ban Plastic Vinyl Chloride

Tell 3 Biggest Plastic Polluters to Stop!

Help End the Age of Plastics, Global Plastics Treaty Now!


Humans of Waste-Free Dayton: Charlie Greene


Stop Chasing Fast Fashion